SIT Argentina alumni receive Fulbright scholarships
July 17th, 2024 | Alumni, SIT Study Abroad

Alumni from SIT Argentina: Social Movements and Human Rights have been awarded Fulbright scholarships that will allow them to continue their studies and gain additional professional experience.
Gemma Smith (Fall 2019) is currently back in Argentina with the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant program (ETA), which places Fulbrighters in classrooms to provide assistance to the local English teachers. ETAs help teach English language while serving as cultural ambassadors for the U.S.
Natalie Schirmacher (Fall 2022) was honored with the U.S. State Department Fulbright-Tampere University Graduate Award. She will study at Tampere University in Finland beginning in August 2024 to obtain her masters in Peace, Mediation, and Conflict.
Brandon Brown (Spring 2023) will be an English Teaching Assistant in La Rioja, Spain, for the 2024-25 academic school year. Temma Schlesinger (Spring 2023) will return to Argentina next year as an English Teaching Assistant as well.
"We are thrilled that alumni of Argentina: Social Movements and Human Rights have received Fulbright scholarships that will enable them to continue their studies and professional work in human rights and social movements and strengthen their English teaching skills," said Ana Laura Lobo, academic director. "We are proud of their extraordinary achievements, which are a testament to their passions, missions, and growth as emerging leaders in their respective fields."