Program staff share advice about SIT’s independent study project

December 12th, 2024   |   Research, SIT Study Abroad

SIT Study Abroad ISP and a Galapagos sea lion

Are you interested in studying abroad and have questions about SIT's Independent Study Project (ISP) component? The ISP is a key part of most SIT Study Abroad programs. Students design a project, then work closely with an advisor to bring it to life. A successful ISP is focused, aims to increase knowledge in a field of study related to the program theme, and potentially sheds light on issues pertinent to the host community.

We asked program staff what they want prospective SIT students to know about ISPs, and they shared their advice and why the ISP is often students’ favorite part of their time abroad.

“I would love for prospective students to know that the ISP is, hands down, students' favorite part of their semester. Students have the latitude to create their own project, design it, apply it, and bring it to fruition. It is an incredibly gratifying and exciting process and experience for them. Students are supported throughout the creation and implementation process by staff.

Aly Dagang, academic director
Panama: Tropical Ecology, Marine Ecosystems, and Conservation

“Students have the possibility of writing a traditional ISP with the support of academics who are experts in the field, and they can use their imagination and creativity when developing the ISP. We have had documentaries, short films, paintings, songs, short stories, poems, and many other creative forms that help students express their research during the ISP month.

Victor Tricot, academic director
Spain: Social Movements, Democracy, and Cultural Identity

Students are exposed to a wide variety of possible ISP topics and sites from the first week of the program, and this continues throughout the course of the seminar portion of the program. Program staff constantly assist and brainstorm with students about potential ISP topics, sites, and contacts. The program maintains a strong collaboration with health-related government and non-governmental institutions in Kisumu County, which have largely hosted ISP students.

Daniel Lumonya, academic director
Kenya: Global Health and Human Rights
Kenya: Public Health in the Tropics Internship

Your research in Samoa will enable you to learn Indigenous methodologies for academic research. You will be empowered to work with communities through decolonized frames of reference and place-based approaches applicable to social science research.

Fetaomi Tapu-Qiliho, academic director
Samoa: Social and Environmental Change in Oceania

Due to the interdisciplinary nature of our program topic, we have students from a wide variety of majors and backgrounds, and very much encourage students to pursue either a traditional or creative ISP on any topic that interests them. The students have a strong support system in the AD and our local team, all of whom meet individually with students multiple times during the program to help them formulate their ISP ideas.

Patricia Owens, program coordinator
Nepal: Tibetan & Himalayan Peoples

The ISP, at the outset, may seem like a daunting task. However, so much work is done in the preparation phases. We offer sessions on ethics and research methods. We also give practical sessions to demystify the ISP process. The ISP can have a life even after the program closes. Some schools do offer opportunities for conferences where ISPs can be presented. We are always happy to give students references should they wish to apply for various fellowships, such as the Alice Rowan Swanson Fellowship offered by SIT. We encourage alumni to consider SIT Graduate Institute programs.

Nonceba Lushaba, academic coordinator
South Africa: International Relations in the Global South

Students have access to a large number of organizations and experts in the international hub of Geneva, as well as in Brussels and Paris. The program will teach them how to network and conduct interactive research in their field of interest and will support them throughout the research process. But students must be proactive and independent, ready to leave their comfort zone. This is a challenging but enriching process that will help students’ academic and professional development.

Aline Dunant, academic coordinator
Switzerland: International Studies and Multilateral Diplomacy

ISP is serious field research ending in a paper that is similar to international standard science papers. The time spent on an ISP develops a sense of professionalism, observation of core values and ethics towards local people, compassion, and environmental justice in our students. Most of the ISPs created in this program provide direct support to local conservation projects in nature reserves and local communities. Our in-country partners are usually eager to have SIT students implement projects to support their conservation efforts in the field.

Xavier Silva, academic director
Ecuador: Comparative Ecology & Conservation