Zed McGladdery, BProc
[email protected]
Dr. McGladdery received his B.Proc from the University of Natal, his higher diploma in education (postgraduate) from the University of South Africa, and his Honours degree in African Studies at the University of Cape Town. Born in Zimbabwe, and having lived in Africa all his life, he has experienced the change from colonialism to democracy and is deeply invested in the subcontinent. His work experience includes teaching “street law” to homeless orphans, teaching high school English (first and second language), accounting and business economics, and managing a socio-economically disadvantaged school at Simon’s Town as deputy principal.
He has published on “Host-Student Interactions in Study Abroad” and “Teaching Racialization in Study Abroad” (presented at the International Education South Africa Conference). He is a member of the Nkomazi Municipality Conservation advisory committee, where he works on community participation in conservation of fauna and flora in the Marloth Park Conservancy and audits mining and prospecting applications to expose malfeasance in coal mining development in the area. He has been an active contributor to institutional governance, having served as chair of the SIT Academic Directors Assembly, the Labor Relations Committee, and as a member of the Faculty Senate. He worked with the SIT Cape Town program from 1995 – 2006, where he taught Arts and Social Change and Multiculturalism and Human Rights.
In Fall 2006 he moved to Durban to direct the Public Health program, where he taught Community Health and Social Justice. Although initially trained in Law, Zed’s interests and work experience have led him into competencies in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, and academic disciplines from anthropology to epidemiology.
Courses Taught
Arts and Social Change in South Africa
Multiculturalism and Human Rights in South Africa
Approaches to Community Health in South Africa
Social Determinants of Health in South Africa
Research Methods and Ethics
- BProc, Law, University of Kwazulu-Natal
- Postgraduate Diploma in Education, Education, University of South Africa
- BA Honors, African Studies, University of Cape Town