Taieb Belghazi, PhD
Dr. Belghazi earned his PhD in 1993 from the Centre for Critical and Cultural Theory at Cardiff University, where he was a Chevening scholar. He held a Fulbright postdoctoral scholarship at Duke University and was a member of the UNESCO-sponsored International Panel on Reading for All. He was director of the Centre for Doctoral Studies: The Human and Space in the Mediterranean, and professor of cultural studies and history of the present at the Faculty of Letters in Rabat. He has been visiting professor at universities including Duke; the University of California, Irvine; and the Ferguson Centre for African Studies and Asian Studies at the Open University, England. He has consulted for projects including the Diaspora as a Social and Cultural Practice and the UNESCO project on reconceptualizing Mediterranean dialogues. He is a member of the editorial boards of Time and Society (England), Current Writing (South Africa), and Al Azmina Al Haditha (Morocco), and Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication.
Courses Taught
Social Movements in Morocco
The Politics of Human Rights
Multiculturalism Problematics
Contextualizing Research Methods and Ethics
Select Publications
Belghazi, Taieb & El Maarouf, Moulay Driss. (2021).‘Go! You are Free!’: rentier politics and the gift logic of the royal pardon in Morocco, Cultural Studies, DOI: 10.1080/09502386.2021.1946578
Belghazi, Taieb, El Maarouf, Moulay Driss & El Maarouf, Tarik . (2020). COVID – 19: A Critical Ontology of the Present. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 53 (1), 71-89
Belghazi, Taieb & Moudden, Abdelhay. (2018). Visualizing the Painful Past : Reel Reconciliation Institutions. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 11(3), 229-247
Belghazi, Taieb & El Maarouf, Moulay Driss. (2018). The Urban and Virtual Rhetoric of Tcharmil : Display, Violence, and Rhetoric. The Journal of North African Studies, 23 (1- 2), 292 – 310
Belghazi, Taieb & El Maarouf, Moulay Driss. (2018). The event of death: Reflections on the dynamics of emotions and embodied resistance in the Moroccan Contexts of hirak (movement) and la hirak ((non)movement). Cultural Studies, 33(4):1-25
Belghazi, Taieb & Graiouid, Said. (2016). Political Violence, Narratives of the Nation, and the New Global Arrangement. In Andrew Smith (Ed.). Radical Conflict : Essays on Violence, Intractability and Communication (pp. 159 – 178). London : Lexington
Belghazi, Taieb & Moudden, Abdelhay. (2015). Ihbat : Disillusionment and the Arab Spring in Morocco. Journal of North African Studies, 21 (1), 37 – 49
Belghazi, Taieb & Graiouid, Said (Eds.). ( 2914). Migration, Human Rights, and the Politics of Identiy, Rabat : Faculty of Letters
Belghazi, Taieb & Gaiouid, Said. 2013. Cultural Production and Cultural Patronage in Morocco : The State, the Islamists, and the Field of Culture. Journal of African Cultural Studies, 25, (3), 261- 274
Belghazi, Taieb. (2012).Time and Postmodernism. Rabat : Faculty of Letters
Belghazi, Taieb. (Ed.). (2012) Dialogues Khatibi- Weber. Rabat : Faculty of Letters Publications
Research Interests
Human Rights and ‘democratic iterations’
Populism and fragile democracy
Social and moral values in times of transition
- PhD, Critical and Cultural Theory, University of Cardiff