Nat Quansah, PhD
A botanist by training and an ethnobotanist by profession, Dr. Quansah has a PhD in pteridology from the University of London, Goldsmiths College, and an MS in botany, a BS Honors, and a diploma in education from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Since 2008, he has served as academic director for the Madagascar: Traditional Medicine and Healthcare Systems summer program. He also served as academic director for the SIT program Tanzania: Zanzibar — Coastal Ecology and Natural Resource Management in 2013–14. Dr. Quansah researches, advises, and lectures on a wide range of topics including integrated healthcare, traditional medicine, biological and cultural diversity conservation, sustainable resource use, and rural development. He has developed an integrated healthcare system approach to healthcare development and bio-cultural diversity conservation. His work has consistently involved local and international public education through radio and TV documentaries and popular/scientific publications. He was awarded the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize in 2000.
Courses Taught
Biodiversity Conservation
Integrated Health Care
Poverty and Health Care
Select Publications
Quansah, N. & Thomas, B.A. (2021). Anisophyllous species of Selaginella in West Africa. FERN GAZ. 21(5) :188-238. Pdf:
Randrianavony, P., Quansah, N., Djoudi, R., Quansah, N. A., & Randimbivololona, F. (2020). Anticonvulsant Activity of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Ageratum conyzoides L. (Asteraceae) in Mice. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 16(18):114-123.
Pdf: Vol 16 No 18 (2020): ESJ Natural/Life/Medical Sciences
Randrianavony P., Reboza A. M, Quansah N., Randimbivololona F. (2017). Hypouricemic activity of Pentopetia androsaemifolium (Apocynaceae) hydro alcoholic extract in mice. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 13 (36): 340-345. DOI:
Randrianavony P., Ratsimiala Ramonta I., Andriamalala S.G., Andriamampianina T., Rakotondraibe H.V., Quansah N., Randimbivololona F. (2016). Harungana madagascariensis (CLUSIACEAE) et ulcère gastrique. Ethnopharmacologica 56:62-66
Randrianavony P., Ranaovimanoelina V.J., Quansah N., Randimbivololona F. (2015). Anti-gastric ulcer activity of leaves of Pyracantha angustifolia (Franch.) C. K. Schneid in rats. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 11 (30): 294-303.
Randrianavony Patricia, Raharivelonina E.A., Randrianjafitrimo N., Quansah N., Randimbivololona F. (2015). Anti-ulcer activity of the hydroalcoholic extract of Acridocarpus excelsus Juss. (Sariheza) in rats. Am. J. Pharm Tech Res. 5(6):1-8
Quansah Nat & Randrianavony Patricia. (2012). Nature’s Gift to Humanity: Natural Remedies for Selected Common Health Problems. Author House, Bloomington, IN, USA, 56pp. ISBN 978-1-4670-2022-0 (sc).02-17-2012.
Select Presentations
Quansah Nat & Poblete Daniel (2021, September 14 – November 15). Coloniality, Indigenous Knowledge and Healthcare Delivery in the Global South : Chile and Madagascar as Case Studies [Virtual Conference presentation on September 30]. SIT Fall 2021 Critical Conversations Webinar Series
Randrianavony P., Quansah N., & Randimbivololona F. (2021, Octobre 28 – 30). Étude de l’effet de l’extrait de rhizome de Curcuma longa (Zingiberaceae) sur l’asthme chez le cochon d’Inde. [Poster Presentation] JOURNÉES SCIENCES ET APPLICATIONS. Laboratoire Plante Santé dans l’immeuble des Sœurs du Cœur Immaculé de Marie de Diego-Suarez (CIM – D/S)) Fianarantsoa, Madagascar.
Quansah Nat (2021, June 13 – 26). The Integrated Health Care System: Meeting the global goal of health for all [Virtual presentation, June 18]. The Global Solution Lab 2021 Virtual Meeting
Research Interests
Integrated health care systems
People-plant relationships: sustainable resource use
Traditional medicine practices
Biodiversity conservation
- PhD, Pteridology, Goldsmiths’ College, University of London, London, UK
- MSc, Botany, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana
- BSc (Hons), Botany, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana
- DipEd, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana