Michael D. Hill, PhD
Michael D. Hill (PhD, Institute of Liberal Arts, Emory University, Atlanta) is a professor (and former chair) of anthropology at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) in Ecuador. His research and teaching interests include cultural and ethnoracial identity in the Andean region, tourism and heritage, organizational anthropology, life history, and collaborative ethnography. He is a co-author of the book Para aprender a viajar así: movilidad en la vida de una mujer quechua (Institute of Peruvian Studies and USFQ Press, 2020). He possesses a strong record of projects involving interdisciplinary and inter-institutional collaboration, including leading a project on cultural memory and community tourism in Yunguilla, Ecuador, directing a project on organizational culture with Ecuador’s largest private-sector bank, and coordinating ethnographic research teams for a museum exhibition, book, and website on religious and spiritual diversity in the city of Quito.
Courses Taught
Human Flourishing in the Anthropocene: From Development to Regeneration
Select Publications
Fernández-Salvador, C., Hill, M.D., Radhuber, I. & Román Brugnoli, J.A. (Eds.). (2023, in press). Solidaridad, desigualdad y espacios cotidianos en el contexto de la pandemia en América Latina. Quito: FLACSO/Savia Ecuador.
Hill, M.D., Fernández-Salvador, C., Pelfini. M., Salas, M. & Rosés, A. (2022). Medical Pluralism and Ambivalent Trust: Pandemic Technologies, Inequalities, and Public Health in Ecuador and Argentina. Critical Public Health 32(1): 19-30.
Fernández-Salvador, C., Hill, M.D. & Williams, J. (2022). Becoming Modern and Inclusive: Getting Rid of Status and Tradition in an Ecuadorean bank. Human Organization 81(1): 12-21.
Hill, M.D., Fernández-Salvador, C., & Williams, J. (2021). Reflexive collaboration: building pluri-ethnographic partnerships in an Ecuadorian bank. Ethnography 0(0): 1-18.
Hill, M.D. & Maldonado, G. (2020). Para aprender a viajar así: movilidad en la vida de una mujer quechua. Lima/Quito: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos and USFQ Press.
Hill, M. (2019). The Political and Cultural Economies of Tourism in the Andes. In L. Seligmann and K. Fine-Dare (Eds.). The Andean World (pp. 619-634). London: Routledge.
Viteri, M.A., Hill, M.D., Williams, J., & Carrera, F. (Eds.). (2018). Diversidades espirituales y religiosas en Ecuador: Una mirada desde la etnografía colaborativa. Quito: USFQ Press.
Hill, M.D. & Fernández-Salvador, C. (2017). When Cultural and Natural Patrimony Collide: Sovereignty, State Power, and Political Strategy Among the Picapedreros (Stonemasons) of San Pablo, Ecuador. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 22(1): 116-136.
Hill, M.D. (2013). Growing up Quechua: Ethnic identity, narrative, and the cultural politics of childhood migration in Cusco, Peru. Childhood 20(3): 383-397.
Sinervo, A. & Hill, M.D. The Visual Economy of Andean Childhood Poverty: Interpreting Postcards in Cusco, Peru. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 16(1), 114-142.
Select Presentations
Hill, M.D. & Fernández-Salvador, C. (2023, May). Diverse disruptions: re-thinking pedagogy through international indigenous student exchange. [Conference presentation]. Canadian Historical Association Congress. Toronto, Canada.
Hill, M.D. (2023, May). Best practices in evaluation. [Invited panelist]. SHIFT Academy, Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Quito, Ecuador.
Hill, M.D. & Fernández-Salvador, C. (2023, March). The dispersed state: state-citizen relations and medical pluralism en Ecuador during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Conference presentation]. Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology Biennial Conference. Cartagena, Colombia.
Hill, M.D. & Maldonado, G. (2023, March). Ethnography: Life and work of a Quechua woman. [Invited presentation]. Gender Week, Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Quito, Ecuador.
Fernández-Salvador, C. & Hill, M.D. (2022, November). Becoming Modern and Inclusive in Banco Pichincha. [Invited presentation]. Latin American Elites course, University of Florida. Gainesville, Florida, United States.
Hill, M.D. & Fernández-Salvador, C. (2021, December). Inequality and medical pluralism. Facets of intercultural health in Ecuador during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Conference presentation]. Fourth Congress of Ecuadorian Anthropology and Archaeology. Quito, Ecuador.
Hill, M.D. (2021, December). Navigating Identity in a Globalized World. [Invited presentation]. International Indigenous Student Exchange Program, York University. Toronto, Canada.
Hill, M.D. (2019, June). Leading with culture: Applications from business anthropology. [Invited presentation]. Liberal Arts Lecture, School of Business, Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Quito, Ecuador.
Hill, M.D. (2019, February). Readings and appropriations of Martín Chambi’s photographs. [Roundtable presenter]. Casa Alabado Museum. Quito Ecuador.
Hill, M.D. (2017, April). Critical views from the South and continental theoretical frameworks on migration: Localizing knowledge. [Roundtable presenter]. Latin American Studies Association Congress. Lima, Peru.
Current Research Interests
Cultural and ethnoracial identity in the Andean region
Tourism and heritage
Organizational Anthropology
Collaborative Ethnography
Life History
- PhD, Institute of Liberal Arts (Program in Culture, History, and Theory), Emory University, Atlanta