Linda Drake Gobbo, MBA, MEd
Linda Drake Gobbo is associate provost at Antioch University New England and a consultant in higher and international education. In 2019, she was named professor emerita in International Education at SIT, where previously, she had served as dean of special programs, degree chair, chief student affairs officer, and professor of international education at different points in her tenure there. Gobbo’s areas of specialization include strategic planning, internationalization in higher education, curriculum development, and multicultural group processes. She designed and implemented education abroad courses in intercultural communication in Morocco, Turkey, and Costa Rica, coupled with a TESOL certification program. Gobbo is also active in NAFSA Association of International Educators leadership. Currently, she is a trainer for the Management Development Program and previously, she was a lead designer and facilitator of NAFSA’s Academy for International Education. She also served as the first chair of the Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship (TLS) Knowledge Community, and a representative on several committees. She is a recipient of NAFSA’s Sally Heym award, which honors a colleague in the New England region who has made outstanding contributions to the field of international education. Gobbo holds an MBA, MEd, and TESOL certificate, and lived and worked in the United Kingdom on several occasions.
- MBA, University of Massachusetts
- MEd, Springfield College
- BA, Hartwick College