David Shallenberger, PhD
Internationally recognized as a leader in the field, Dr. Shallenberger has been honored through his role as a Fulbright Specialist, certification as an “Education Abroad Professional,” and multiple invitations to speak and consult around the world. He holds leadership positions in professional organizations such as NAFSA and the Forum on Education Abroad, reflecting his passions for comprehensive internationalization, advocacy, and research ethics.
Before coming to SIT, Dr. Shallenberger held faculty and administrative positions at DePaul University and the University of Redlands and taught at Elmhurst College, Mallinckrodt College, and National University. These previous positions include 30 years teaching global studies, intercultural communication and research, ethical leadership, and multicultural awareness; developing and coordinating travel study programs for adults in Europe, Asia, and Latin America; directing a BA program in Hong Kong; and expanding understanding of “the other.” He has given workshops on adult learning, cross-cultural communication, international education, and multicultural issues at universities in Brazil, El Salvador, Poland, Romania, and China and is the author of Reclaiming the Spirit: Gay Men and Lesbians Come to Terms with Religion (Rutgers University Press, 1998) as well as scores of articles and presentations.
Courses Taught
Advanced Concepts in International Education
Foundations in Intercultural Service, Leadership, and Management
Leadership and Management
Reflective Practice
Reflective Practice Doctoral Seminar
Select Publications
Camilo, M., & Shallenberger, D. (2018). The internationalization of vocational education in Brazil’s Federal institutes: Another model. Handbook of comparative studies on community colleges and global counterparts, 507-521. (2015). Learning from our mistakes: International educators reflect. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad (XXVI), 248-263.
Shallenberger, D. (2014). Internationalization of education at home: Meeting the needs of students who cannot travel. In Tomorrow People Organization (Eds.), Proceedings of the Belgrade International Conference on Education 2014 (pp. 24-46). Belgrade, Serbia: Tomorrow People Organization.
McGury, S., & Shallenberger, D. (2009). Creating culturally resonant international educational partnerships to promote student learning. In International Forum of Teaching and Studies (Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 68-72). American Scholars Press, Inc..
Shallenberger, D. (2009). Education abroad for adult students. International Educator, 18(1), 50.
McGury, S., Shallenberger, D., & Tolliver, D. E. (2008). It’s new, but is it learning? Assessment rubrics for intercultural learning programs. Assessment Update, 20(4), 6-9. (2005).
Developing effective intercultural leaders: Nurturing competencies of interculturally effective leaders and global citizens. In A. Safty (Ed.), Value leadership extended. Istanbul: University of Bahcesehir. (With Susan McGury)
Shallenberger, D. (1996). Reclaiming the spirit: The journeys of gay men and lesbian women toward integration. Qualitative sociology, 19(2), 195-215.
Alicea, M., Shallenberger, D., & Stanford, A. F. (1995). Negotiating boundaries: Conflict, personal loyalties, and the politics of diversity. Journal of Thought, 30(1), 35-54.
Select Presentations
Shallenberger, D., Bell, S. & Torres, M. (2018). Assessment, evaluation, and case studies: Can’t get no satisfaction [Conference Presentation]. Forum on Education Abroad Annual Conference, Boston, MA.
Shallenberger, D. & Chieffo, L. (2018). Program development to attract US students. [Workshops to support efforts of Ecuadorian HEIs to attract US students.] Offered in Guayaquil and Quito.
Shallenberger, D. (2016). Comprehensive internationalization. Workshops sponsored by the US State Department and given in Ecuador for multiple institutions at Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral; Universidad de las Américas; and Escuela Politécnica Nacional.
Shallenberger, D. McGury, S. & Levy, B. (2015). If I knew then what I know now. NAFSA Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts
Shallenberger, D. (2015). Learning from our mistakes: International educators reflect. NAFSA Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts
Shallenberger, D. & Camilo, M. (2015). Internationalization of vocational and professional education: The Brazilian Federal Institute. FAUBAI 2015 Conference, Cuiabá, Brazil.
Shallenberger, D. (2015). Curriculum internationalization. Universidade Federal Grande Dourados, Grande Dourados, MS, Brazil; Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil; Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, MT, Brazil
Shallenberger, D. & Beelen, Jos. (2015). Internationalization at home. All-day invited workshop, FAUBAI International Conference, Cuiabá, MT, Brazil.
Shallenberger, D. & Gobbo, L. (2014). Internationalization at home: Inexpensive yet impactful strategies for internationalization. Half-day workshop given at NAFSA Regions X-XI Conference, Albany, New York
Shallenberger, D., Knobel, M., Srinavis, R., Leitherer, B. (2013). Internationalizing the STEM curriculum: Case studies for faculty. NAFSA International Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.
Research Interests
Socio-cultural integration of “gringos” into Ecuador and Mexico
- PhD, Human and Organizational Systems, Fielding Institute
- MBA, Organization Development, Stanford University
- BA, Spanish, Pomona College