Daniel Poblete, PhD
Dr. Poblete received his doctorate in social anthropology, with a specialization in cultural diversity and citizenship, at the Complutense University of Madrid and has completed postdoctoral studies in social anthropology at the Center for Research and Graduate Studies in Social Anthropology in Mexico City. His professional focus is on cultural recognition associated with the study of intercultural and multicultural issues, including traditional medicine and indigenous health systems, in Chile and throughout Latin America. A native of Santiago, he has worked for more than 15 years on issues related to indigenous populations in vulnerable situations, especially in northern Chile, in the region of Arica and Parinacota and Tarapacá, and has conducted ethnographic work in northern and southern Chile and internationally in the Ecuadorian Andes and with groups of Ecuadorian migrants in Madrid.
Courses Taught
Public Health in Chile
Traditional Medicine and Community Health
Public Health Research Methods and Ethics
Independent Study Project
Select Publications
Poblete, Daniel (2021) “Communal Development Plan, Andean Aymara commune of Colchane”. Municipality of Colchane. Colchane, Chile
Poblete, Daniel (2020) “Video aymaras precordilleranos para el programa Chile Indígena Fase II” (Aymara for the Chile Indígena Phase II program). Audiovisual and ethnographic documentary in the Andean mountains of the Arica and Parinacota Region. Arica, Chile
Poblete, Daniel (2017) “Pirquineros. (Chilean Artisanal Miners): Memories, Life Testimonies and Reflections on the Future of the Artisanal Miners of Salamanca and Petorca, Chile”. Santiago, Chile. Chilean intellectual property registration A- 276707
Poblete, Daniel (2017). PIRQUINEROS. Ethnographic documentary funded by the Chilean Fund for Art and Research Santiago, Chile. Santiago, Chile. Chilean intellectual property registration A – 276709
Poblete, Daniel (2011): “Life History of Chilean Mining in Petorca: Reconstruction of Identity and Cultural Heritage”. Ethnographic documentary supported by Chilean funding for Art and Research Santiago, Chile
Select Presentations
Poblete, D & O. Nuñez (2024). “Challenges and Connections – Immigration, Health and Public Policies: Comparative Reflections between the Cases of Northern Chile and Mexico”. [Conference presentation]. Nineteenth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
Poblete, D & N. Quansah (2021). “Coloniality, Indigenous Knowledge, and Healthcare Delivery in the Global South: Chile and Madagascar as Case Studies”. [Conference presentation]. Critical Conversations: Faculty Lecture Series, Webinar Series with SIT. School for International Training
Poblete, D. (2013) “Local Subjects in a Glocal World: Thinking about Ecuadorian and Chilean Indigenous People”. La Ligua Regional Museum, City of La Ligua, Petorca District, Valparaíso Region, Chile (April 2013)
Poblete, D. (2012) “Kunamasta kulliaca jilata: Reflexiones acerca del movimiento, organizaciones y nuevos liderazgos del pueblo aymara en las regiones de Arica -Parinacota y Tarapacá, Chile” (Kunamasta kulliaca jilata: Reflections On the Movement, Organizations and New Leaders of the Aymara People in the Region of Arica – Parinacota and Tarapacá, Chile). Center for Research and Graduate Studies in Social Anthropologist. México City, México
Research Interests
Political anthropology
Legal anthropology
Traditional medicine
Intercultural/multicultural issues
- PhD, Social Anthropology, Complutense University of Madrid
- PostDoc Social Anthropology, Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS), México
- MA, Social Anthropology, Complutense University of Madrid
- Graduate in Social Anthropology, University of Chile